SpiderLabs Blog

Updated ModSecurity Demonstrations

Written by | Dec 16, 2010 5:06:00 AM

ModSecurity Demonstration Projects

We have a number of different ModSecurity Demonstration projects hosted on the ModSecurity site.

ModSecurity/PHPIDS Evasion Testing Demo
The ModSecurity Demo is a joint effort between the ModSecurity and PHPIDS project teams to allow users to test ModSecurity and PHPIDS. Any data is sent to a ModSecurity install for inspection by the CRS and then it will be proxied to the PHPIDS page for normal inspection and processing. The response body will then be inspected to confirm if there are any evasion issues between the CRS and PHPIDS.

XSS Mitigation with Content Injection Demo
This demo shows how to use ModSecurity's Content Injection capabilities to prepend defensive JavaScript to the top of the returned page, which will protect against unauthorized JS execution.

ModSecurity Protecting Commercial Web App Vuln Scanner Demo Sites
While the CRS demo project is great at identifying potential evasions and signature updates, it was not a real-world setup and the attacker didn't have a an actual application to interact with. So, instead of deploying a target web application ourselves, we have instead setup ModSecurity to proxy to the following 4 commercial web application vuln scanner demo sites:

  1. IBM (AppScan) - demo.testfire.net site
  2. Cenzic (HailStorm) - CrackMe Bank site
  3. HP (WebInspect) - Free Bank site
  4. Acunetix (Acunetix) - Acuart site

If ModSecurity sees any inbound attacks or outbound application defects/info leakages, it will prepend a warning banner to the top of the page.

Feel free to test out these demos and if you find any evasions please notify us at any of the following places:

- @ModSecurity on Twitter

- OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Mail-list

- Submit Evasions Issues to Jira