Trustwave Blog

5 Security Things to Know for the Week of June 22

Written by Dan Kaplan | Jun 22, 2015

Like it or not, Monday is upon us. Here are five items making news that can help you kick off your work week in style - or at least a little more informed.

Flash flood: At 33.2 percent, Adobe Flash ranked as the most exploited application and plug-in last year, according to the 2015 Trustwave Global Security Report - and we're not the only ones seeing this trend. Trustwave researchers blame the rise on Flash's widespread usage (many sites require it) and attackers' ability to evade detection by using it.

Government struggles: A "terrifying" chart courtesy of findings from the U.S. Government Accountability Office details a precipitous rise in security incidents affecting federal agencies.

Massaging the message: More security groups are recognizing the need to bring on a marketing or communications specialist who can help obtain by-in and spread awareness to the broader organization.

Apple vulnerabilities: University researchers have uncovered very serious zero-day vulnerabilities in the Mac OS X and iOS platforms that could enable malicious apps to steal passwords and other sensitive information from users.

Security slideshow: For a visual overview of the 2015 Trustwave Global Security Report, this eWeek slideshow covers many of the major findings from the annual study on threats and data breaches.

Dan Kaplan is manager of online content at Trustwave and a former IT security reporter and editor.