Trustwave Blog

Webinar: 2023 Cybersecurity Resolutions for Every Organization

Written by | Jan 13, 2023

It’s the time of the year to make, and hopefully not break, your New Year’s resolutions. In keeping with the best tradition particular to this holiday, Trustwave is hosting a webinar conducted by SpiderLabs Vice Presidents Ed Williams, and Damian Archer  who will offer up a series of resolutions that will help keep your organization secure in 2023.

These resolutions may appear familiar as many of us make similar personal promises to improve ourselves:

  1. Exercise More: Exercise your incident response programs and optimize your existing investments.
  2. Learn Something New: Incorporate new solutions and skills into your security posture. After all, bad actors are continuing to improve their tactics to evade detection.
  3. Save Money: Optimize your existing investments, better scope your assessments, and increase your ROI on pen testing to save money by creating a security program that truly benefits your organization.
  4. Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones: Focusing on getting things done right, viewing the right telemetry at the right time, and including a partner to achieve less staff fatigue, more time to spend on what matters, and a stronger security posture.
  5. Reduce Stress: Spend less time worrying about your organization’s risk. Feel confident that your data, employees, customers, and assets have all been thoroughly tested to uncover vulnerabilities.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 9:00am CST | 3:00pm GMT