
INFO: Configuration upgrade from version 8.X to version 10.X

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This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X
  • Upgrading from 8.X


  • What are the required manual configuration changes when upgrading to MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X?


REST server:

The SEG REST server (HTTPS configuration service) must be enabled before upgrade. MailMarshal (SEG) 10 uses REST to upgrade the configuration, and also for communication between the Management Console site and the Array Manager.

  • To enable REST, see the Server Tool on the Array Manager computer.


WebDAV must not be enabled in IIS on the server that hosts the SEG Management Console and Configuration Service websites.
  • Remove the WebDAV module from the server before upgrading.

Invalid Connector Based User Group Definitions

Existing SEG configurations may include imported usergroups with the same Fully Qualified Name that have been imported through different Connectors. Upgrade will not proceed. You must correct the issue in the SEG 8.X installation.
  • Review the Upgrade Preview or SEG Upgrade logfile to determine the duplicate group.
  • In the SEG Configurator: 
    1. Delete the user group named in the log.
      • If the group is part of a SEG group then both references must be deleted.
      • If the group is referenced by a rule, then the rule must be updated to remove the reference.
    2. Close the Configurator and open it again
    3. You will now see the duplicate group in the User Groups list.
    4. Check that the user group shown now has a correct definition by opening the group properties, Connector tab. Verify the DN and verify that Reload is successful. Most likely this group is the one that is not working.
    5. If the group DN is wrong, delete this group as well. 
    6. Re-import groups as required.

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