Previously a target for its heavy handling of credit and debit card information, retail is now equally targeted for its extensive sets of customer data and heavy volumes of financial transactions.
Ring up Protection
Retailers – both online and physical – process and hold vast amounts of personal and financial information about customers, making them among the most obvious targets for cybercriminals. The good news is, no matter your size, you can do more to eliminate your retail cybersecurity threat blind spots and overcome your challenges to outsmart adversaries.
What the Retail Industry Needs to Do
Assess risk (including in the supply chain), and ensure the resilience of key assets.
Defend in real time against advanced threats, from targeted phishing to ransomware to point-of-sale malware
Implement a vulnerability management and testing program covering all retail solutions, especially e-commerce applications.
Monitor, uncover and respond to malicious activity and indicators of compromise, particularly around your endpoints.
Defending the Retail Sector in 2024
Gain critical insights into evolving risks, providing retailers with the actionable intelligence needed to defend against rapidly emerging cyber threats.
Move Beyond Compliance.
Amplify Your Team
Stretch your capabilities by gaining access to Trustwave expertise and knowledge that come from us successfully working with thousands of customers around the world.

Improve Visibility and Control
Continuously monitor retail systems and networks for signs of anomalies – both from insider and external threats – and ensure that confidential data stays put.

Test with Increasing Sophistication
Test your technical controls with penetration testing, your organizational maturity with Red Teams, and your ability to detect and respond with Purple Teams.

Maximize Your Investment
Partner with Trustwave to identify how to make best use of your existing retail cybersecurity resources and future investments.
Fueling a Healthy Security Diet
Food is a necessity—and because grocers of all sizes have digitized their business practices—a compromised grocery store can create not just inconvenience and lost sales, but also real public health threats and food shortages.
At Trustwave, our goal is to help retailers manage risk and protect data with a fit-for-purpose and pragmatic security program. Our solutions can help organizations that are just starting out, as well as ones wanting to advance what is already in place to mitigate retail industry cybersecurity threats.
Managed Security Services
Establish a first-line of defense with Email Security - MailMarshal, Data Security – DbProtect, and Firewall & Technology Management.
Managed Detection and Response
24x7 managed detection and response powered by our proven Trustwave Fusion platform, connecting to your existing security tools with advanced analytics and best-in-class Trustwave SpiderLabs threat intelligence and expertise.
Penetration Testing
Conduct scanning and penetration testing across your databases, networks and applications to reveal vulnerabilities.
Digital Forensics and Incident Response
Determine the source, cause, and extent of a security breach quickly, and better prepare for the inevitable incident.
Conduct a highly targeted assessment to understand your ability to address today’s most pressing cybersecurity risks: Supply Chain Risk; Cloud Security; Threat Detection & Response; and Organizational Maturity.
Database Security
Discover, assess and report on misconfigurations, improper access controls and other weaknesses within databases.
Additional Resources
Get Started
Learn more about how our specialists can tailor a security program to fit the needs of your organization.