Should You Re-Evaluate Your Security Strategy? [Flowchart]

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When it comes to information security, companies are historically reactive. To shift their security posture forward, some sort of calamitous event - namely a data breach - is typically required.
Of course, the reality is that in the era of modern cybercrime, any businesses that has been fortunate enough to have avoided a major breach remains firmly seated on a powder keg regardless. Which begs the question: Why wait for the inevitable explosion?
Many entities are still seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, choosing to repudiate the very real possibility that a crippling compromise can happen to them, or stubbornly maintaining that they have all of the necessary pieces in place to predict, prevent, detect and respond to one. But we all know by now that breaches and other prominent attacks, like ransomware incidents, are all but imminent - and that the security maturity levels (and security skill sets) of most companies are nowhere near where they should be to repel such an event. Plus, the economics make it clear that waiting to address a cyberattack or data breach until after it has occurred is far more financially punitive than taking the necessary steps before something traumatic transpires.
Still not convinced you should revisit your security strategy to ensure it is keeping up with the times? Perhaps you're not considering all of the weak spots where criminals can exploit you. Follow this simple flowchart to determine if your infosec blueprint is in need of a revival.
Trustwave is a globally recognized cybersecurity leader that reduces cyber risk and fortifies organizations against disruptive and damaging cyber threats. Our comprehensive offensive and defensive cybersecurity portfolio detects what others cannot, responds with greater speed and effectiveness, optimizes client investment, and improves security resilience. Learn more about us.
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