Anonymous Sudan: Religious Hacktivists or Russian Front Group?

The Trustwave SpiderLabs research team has been tracking a new threat group calling itself ...

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2023 Tax Scam Emails Exposed: Unmasking Deceptive Trends

Tax season is a busy time of year for taxpayers and threat actors. Consumers and businesses focus ...

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ChatGPT: The Right Tool for the Job?

Since it was first released to the public late last year, ChatGPT has successfully captured the ...

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OneNote Spear-Phishing Campaign

Trustwave SpiderLabs “noted” in Part 1 and Part 2 of our OneNote research that OneNote has been ...

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A Noteworthy Threat: How Cybercriminals are Abusing OneNote – Part 1

Introduction Threat actors are taking advantage of Microsoft OneNote's ability to embed files and ...

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A Noteworthy Threat: How Cybercriminals are Abusing OneNote – Part 2

In part one, we examined how threat actors abuse a OneNote document to install an infostealer. Part ...

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Network Map NMAP Meets ChatGPT

We’ve now seen a number of different use cases for ChatGPT from marketing, sales, software ...

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HTML Smuggling: The Hidden Threat in Your Inbox

Last October, Trustwave SpiderLabs blogged about the use and prevalence of HTML email attachments ...

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Money Lover App Vulnerability Exposes Personal Info

An information disclosure vulnerability has been identified in Money Lover, a finance tracking ...

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Vulnerability Causing Deletion of All Users in CrushFTP Admin Area

During a recent penetration test, Trustwave SpiderLabs researchers discovered a weak input ...

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CVE-2022-43704 - Capture-Replay Vulnerability in Sinilink XY-WFT1 Thermostat

Trustwave SpiderLabs has found a vulnerability in the Sinilink XY-WFT1 Remote WiFi home Thermostat. ...

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2022 Year in Review: Ransomware

With 2022 having just ended, let's take a look back at the year in ransomware. With the average ...

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Malicious Macros Adapt to Use Microsoft Publisher to Push Ekipa RAT

After Microsoft announced this year that macros from the Internet will be blocked by default in ...

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ChatGPT: Emerging AI Threat Landscape

ChatGPT has been available to the public since November 30, 2022. Since then, it has made headlines ...

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Trustwave Action Response: Zero-Day Vulnerability in Citrix ADC (CVE-2022-27518)

On Tuesday, December 13, a joint announcement from the United States NSA and Citrix announced a ...

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Meta-Phish: Facebook Infrastructure Used in Phishing Attack Chain

Meta has two of the largest social media platforms today, Facebook and Instagram. These platforms ...

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Trojanized OneNote Document Leads to Formbook Malware

Cybercriminals have long used Microsoft documents to pass along malware and they are always ...

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Going Mobile: BEC Attacks Are Moving Beyond Email

Recently, we’ve noticed an increase in user reports of SMS-based Business Email Compromise (BEC) ...

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Bypassing 2FA Authentication with Evilginx2

Due to the increasing number of cyberattacks, particularly zero days, organizations are scrambling ...

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‘Tis the Season for Online Shopping and Phishing Scams

The 2022 holiday shopping season is here. Retailers’ discounts are kicking off early, and shoppers ...

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Killnet Claims Attacks Against Starlink,, and United Kingdom Websites

Pro-Russian threat actor group Killnet claims to have launched DDoS attacks against Starlink and ...

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Evolution of the SOC – From the Dark Ages to Enlightenment, shifting to an agile threat informed cyber defense program

Evolution of the SOC – From the Dark Ages to Enlightenment, shifting to an agile threat informed ...

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Automating RDS Security Via Boto3 (AWS API)

When it comes to security in AWS, there is the shared responsibility model for AWS services, which ...

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Development of the Ukrainian Cyber Counter-Offensive

Overview Russia’s military incursion against Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, with a massive ...

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Denial of Service and RCE in OpenSSL 3.0 (CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602)

Overview On November 1 the OpenSSL Project released patches addressing the previously rated ...

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Following Trustwave SpiderLabs’ blog on social media-themed phishing on Facebook, comes another ...

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Archive Sidestepping Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR

Trustwave SpiderLabs’ spam traps have identified an increase in threats packaged in ...

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ModSecurity Request Body Parsing: Recent Bypass Issues

Overview ModSecurity is an open-source web application firewall (WAF) engine maintained by ...

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